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Diamond Membership

Our most exclusive opportunity

Diamond Membership

The Diamond Membership is limited to an exclusive group of serious performers worldwide, and provides the unprecedented opportunity to network and learn from iPOP'S inner circle.  Work directly with President Kirsten Poulin,  VP Courtney Stewart, and 2nd VP German Morales, along with an elite, high level group of agents, managers, and coaches. Diamond Members have access to to all live events, with preferred seating, and VIP access. Charitable contribution is included in the annual membership tuition.

Unparalleled Networking Opportunity

Diamond Members receive special access to network with agents, managers, casting directors, music industry reps, and other VIPs outside the iPOP! conventions, throughout the year, in private meetings and select auditions.

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VIP Convention Attendance

Diamond members receive up to four passes each convention event, with guaranteed placement in the Final night showcase, priority red carpet access with celebrities, preferred seating at competition events, up to four VIP seats at the Awards Gala, complimentary suite upgrades, and iPOP! swag.

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